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FIFé (Féderation International Féline)

We are members of FIFé.

List of catshows under FIFé is here.

ČSCH SCHK (Český svaz chovatelů Sdružení chovatelů koček)

We are members of national organisation under FIFé.


Their webpages are here (in czech).





ZO Kočky Brno

We are members of local organisation under FIFé and ČSCH SCHK.


Their webpages are here (in czech). 

Litter "G" Z Klajdovky*CZ

Cattery Z Klajdovky*CZ


Our tomcats were born in this cattery in August 11th 2013.


This cattery has british shorthair, norwegian forest, siberian and maine coon cats. They are specialised in tortoiseshell and silver cats.


Webpages of the cattery are here.


This cattery is in Brno, CZ and they are members of FIFé. 


Gabriel Z Klajdovky*CZ

Aksarah Bhutani*CZ

Cattery Aksarah Bhutani*CZ


This cattery has as mating tomcat our brother Gabriel Z Klajdovky*CZ. Gabriel is a brown mackerel (or spotted) tabby with unspecified amount of white. He is shorter in the frame, with a long and bushy tail.


This cattery has norwegian forest cats and kurilean bobtails longhair and shorthair. They are specialised in tortoiseshell cats.


IP IC Amy Aksarah Bhutani*CZ is from their very first litter. 


Webpages of the cattery are here.


This cattery is in Brno, CZ and they are members of FIFé, too.

Cattery FI*FinnFeline's


This cattery has as queen cat our sister CH Gabra Gina Z Klajdovky*CZ. Gabra Gina is silver tortie with some white. They are members of FIFé. 


Webpages of the cattery are here (english and finnish).


This cattery is in Vesilahti, FI.

Cattery Česká Horská*CZ


Cattery concerned about amber coloured and amber carrier norwegian forest cats from Ústí nad Labem, CZ. They are members of FIFé. 


Webpages of cattery are here (in czech). 


They have litter B, now. Gustaf Geri is father of the litter A. 

Cattery Niki-Čiči*CZ


Our befriended maine coon cattery from Sopřeč-Vápno u Přelouče, CZ. More  information about them you can find on their websites (in czech)


They have litter B, now. 

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 Latest update: November 16th 2016 

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